Tuesday 21 March 2017

It’s the Women’s History Month! Watch IhedinachiNwakpa speak on being #BoldForChange

A woman gets no time off! From taking care of the business front and bringing in income, to raising kids etc. the cycle just never ends! 

Your life is a constant roller coaster between work and family, and in some cases, you have to raise those kids alone which is never easy.

Watch as IhedinachiNwakpa shares her story of waking up at 4am everyday just to get her family and business in order & how she was able to co-buy a landed property with her husband. Now that is being #BoldForChange!

We understand that it’s no easy feat being a woman and that’s why at Diamond Bank we take our women seriously! In recognition of the immeasurable role you play in shaping lives & in celebration of the Women’s History Month, Diamond Bank wants to reward you with premium gifts right HERE
Follow the conversation with #BankOnHer

Diamond…Your Bank

Courtesy of Linda Ikeji 

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