Wednesday 1 February 2017

10 Amazing facts about Monkeys that you would love know.

facts about monkeys

1.  Two out of three groups of simian primates are monkeys, which are Old World Monkeys and New World Monkeys. Apes is the other group. - See more at:

2.  To communicate, monkeys use facial expressions, vocalizations and body movements. - See more at:

3.  Apes and spider monkeys swing arm-to-arm in trees, rest of the monkeys do not, they run across branches. - See more at:
4.  Head bobbing, grinning, pulling the lip and yawning are some signs of aggression in monkeys. - See more at:

5.  Monkeys make peace and express affection with others by grooming each other. - See more at:

6.  Group of monkeys is called a troop.

7.  Trees, grasslands, mountains, forests and high plains are the most common places where monkeys live. - See more at:

8.  The Pygmy Marmoset is the world’s smallest monkey, according to sources.  It weighs 85 to 140 grams and measures 117-159 millimeters - See more at:

9.  The largest monkey is the male Mandrill, which weighs almost 35 kilograms and 1 meter long. - See more at:

0.  Monkeys carry hepatitis, tuberculosis, and simian herpes B. - See more at:

By Current mind 

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