Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Sex At The Movies! Sex robot cinema orgies are almost here

The possibility of going to a movie and be able to have sex with the celebrity on screen is coming to pass soon.

In case you don’t fully understand what this means, there is a cinema where you’ll watch movies quite naturally, but then there is more, this cinema will have sex robots that you can have sex with there, and there are many of them, which makes it an orgy. Orgy is a collection of many people having sex unrestricted.

Not sure if it still counts as an orgy if they will be sleeping with sex robots, but that is. This new arrangement is suggested will be very addictive.

Here is the gist, the audience will get thrills such as vibrating seats, and interacting with the actors on the screen with a tablet, as reported by Lily WaddellDaily Star
In the initial plan, twelve people will be involved in this collective, realistic and immersive experience, a professor said.
Cristina Portales, Universitat de Valencia revealed how these sex cinemas are about to sweep the globe, and will be a sell-out.
Courtesy of Pulse.ng 

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