Thursday 9 February 2017

Fast Work Army arrests soldiers who brutalized crippled man

Just two days after some soldiers assaulted a physically challenged man for wearing a camouflage, the culprits have been identified and arrested.
The soldiers assaulting the crippled man

The authorities of the Nigerian Army has reacted very fast by identifying and arresting two soldiers who brutalized a crippled man for wearing camouflage in Onitsha, Anambra State.

The soldiers were caught on a video that went viral assaulting the handicapped man along the ever busy New Market Road in Onitsha, the commercial hub of the state, on Tuesday, February 7, 2017.
In the video, the soldiers were allegedly driving along the street in a vehicle marked Military Police when they cited the crippled man on his wheelchair.
Angered by the disabled man's effrontery in wearing a camouflage, a special preserve of the military, they stopped and confronted the man.
Before the man could explain himself, the soldiers had flung him from the wheelchair and descended on him, using sticks and horsewhips to assault the man.
While he was begging for mercy, the soldiers kept beating him and dragged him all over the ground to the bewilderment of the people who could do nothing to help the defenseless man.
But after the video went viral and drew the wrath of Nigerians, the military authority released a statement at about 11.50 pm on Wednesday, February 8, 2017, stating that the soldiers had been identified, arrested and have been charged by their commanding officer.
The statement signed by the Director, Army Public Relations, Brig. Gen. Sani Usman, reads:
“The attention of the Nigerian Army has been drawn to a video clip in which two soldiers were seen maltreating a physically challenged person for allegedly wearing a camouflage shirt.
We wish to inform the public that the incident took place on Tuesday 7th, February 2017, at Onitsha, Anambra State.
In line with our zero tolerance for acts of indiscipline and unprofessional conducts especially in relation to violation of human rights, we wish to further state that the soldiers involved have since been identified and apprehended.
They have also been charged with assault by their Commanding Officer. Similarly, troops have been warned to desist from such acts that infringe on human rights and cast serious aspersions on the good image of the Nigerian Army.
The public should please regard this ugly incident as an isolated case which is not a true reflection of the Nigerian Army.”
The arrest and detention of the recalcitrant soldiers have been applauded by Nigerians who now believe that the era of impunity by the military and other para-military officers is surely coming to an end.
Courtesy of

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